Summers end? Well not by most calendars but I can
Summers end? Well not by most calendars but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know most of you northerners look forward to warm summers but down here in the bayou it is so blistering hot and humid I fear at times I'll need to adapt and grow gills to survive.
Yes I have been in the land of the missing, spending time with the kiddo, going to the beach and now a last minute vacation up north to see my family. It's been fun, and it's been grand but I am so ready to get back to normal. Clarissa here is the last doll I made and she was made over a month ago.
I have some exciting things happening in the fall that I am very much looking forward to. First is a gallery opening with a number of my very favorite artists from across the country. The theme is Carnival of Saints and Souls, it will be held at the Poets Gallery right here in New Orleans. More on that later.
As well the Halloween season is approaching, one of my favorite times of the year. I have some new design ideas in my head and am looking forward to creating for the creepy season.
I foresee a lot of creating in my new future and I am just itching to get at it.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lost in Wonderland
Have you ever dreamed of an adventure in Wonderland? Tea with the Mad Hatter or perhaps a toke of the hookah with Mr. Catapillar? Well this weekend you can take a stroll through the magical land with the participants of the ADO Blog Challenge. Be sure to view all participants entry by clicking on their blog links on the sidebar of the ADO Blog
Lewis Carroll's magical story and in depth characters are an artists dream as far as inspiration. I myself made many Alices and to really challenge myself made the Queen of Hearts.
So don't miss out in the adventure. Be sure to check out all of the aritsts interpretation of the characters of this timeless tale.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I have a confession to make. A few years back I discovered totally by accident how to use my secret element to make eyes. When this happened I was thrilled as the truth is I've never felt very comfortable painting eyes. As it would happen the eyes of my dolls have made them my own and I'm grateful for this accidental discovery.
But I can't deny that I'm always so impressed and intrigued by peoples ability to make such life like eyes and thought I'd give it a whirl.
With a little help from one of my ADO team mate, Susie McMahon I've managed to give my last two dollies some hand painted eyes. Please take the time to check out Susie's blog and work, she is an amazing artist and just a wonderful person as well. Susie is an accomplished artist with great knowledge and she is so willing to share with and help her fellow artist. I feel privileged to have come to know her through the art doll world.
I will certainly still be using my regular eyes for most my dollies but I'm feeling a bit accomplished in having actually painted eyes. I've been telling myself for years that I can't paint eyes and well...apparently I can:) The funny ways we limit ourselves....
I will certainly still be using my regular eyes for most my dollies but I'm feeling a bit accomplished in having actually painted eyes. I've been telling myself for years that I can't paint eyes and well...apparently I can:) The funny ways we limit ourselves....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Grimms Fairy Tales
I've been spending some time getting inspired by reading some of the original Grimms Fairy Tales. The original brothers stories are nothing like the stories that our parents read to us a children. They are much darker and were actually written for adults of the time.
I've been having so much fun reading these stories I have to remind myself to stop and actually make a doll!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Greed and the Gulf Coast
Our Mother Earth has a gaping wound and continues to bleed because of greed.
No dolls in this post and no images of the subject because we've all seen them and frankly they only make me cry.
Of course because I'm from New Orleans I have a personal interest in this current man made disaster. The last time it was mother nature and though the wrath of Katrina was devastating, what we are facing now I fear is far worse.
Our wetlands and wildlife will suffer for years to come. Our local economy will not be the same for a very long time. Animal life, people, the earth... we all will suffer.
Though I blame BP and feel they are responsible, I can't help but feel a bit of the responsibility lies on my own and each of our shoulders. I've begun to rethink mine and my families need and use of energy, plastics and oil. Changes have been made and we will continue to make an effort to reduce our reliance on these companies product. I hope the rest of the world will give this some thought as well.
I've recently made a donation of one of my dolls to a shop on Etsy that is a collaboration of artists, vintage and supplies sellers that have come together to raise money for the clean up on the Gulf Coast, Help the Gulf Coast. 100% of the proceeds go toward helping with the clean up.
If your an artist, perhaps you would like to donate to the cause. Or perhaps you'll find something of interest within the shop that you can't live without. Every little bit each of us does helps.
As I've stated many times in my blog New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region is very near and dear to my heart and this recent series of events has my heart aching, but it's not only my personal home that I cry for it's the earth and the horrid things we do to her that really has made me so very sad. I do hope this is a huge lesson learned and that all of us will take the time to stop and think about what we are doing to this beautiful planet we all call home.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Just a quick post today to include a couple of my new Hedgehog dolls and to wish everyone a wonderful long weekend.
Today is the last day of school for the lil squid so doll making slows dramatically around here. Although it's frustrating not to be able to create at will I do look forward to some time with NoraLeigh. Spending the summer with her is sure to prove fun and inspirational.